Medical Terminology Lesson 4

This lesson is more about how suffixes, prefixes, and roots are combined to form medical terms.  This is more about the literal translation of words rather than a proper definition, though in most cases the literal translation is a decent definition.  There are a few confusing exceptions.  For instance, the term autopsy literally translates to "process of viewing oneself"  (-opsy "process of viewing; aut- "self, oneself"...with medical terminology, you translate the end of a word first then go back to the beginning).  However, an autopsy is an examination of a dead body.  In the forensic field, sometimes the autopsies that are done are not even on humans.  However, the word no doubt comes from the days when cadavers were dissected in curiosity of what made humans to view a corpse was essentially like viewing yourself.
There is a quiz at the end.  You can always pause the quiz if I am going too fast for you, and you can mute it if you don't want to hear me yak in your ear.


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