My Painting in Acrylics: Geraldine Faye
Geraldine Faye I've been reading a book called Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards. I knew how to draw, but some of the techniques in the book did help me improve. Mainly, I found that what I truly needed was patience to pay attention to the small details. I've also painted in acrylics before, such as the picture below. The Way The painting above was inspired by the song The Way by Fastball. I had heard the song years ago, and I could envision the painting. However, I didn't actually get around to painting it until 2015, when I started dabbling in acrylics. I learned later that The Way song was actually inspired by an elderly couple who had disappeared after taking a road trip. Much later, the couple was found dead, having crashed into a ravine or canyon. Geraldine Faye marked a change. It was the first time I painted on a canvas. Before, I had painted on all purpose drawing paper--the sort...