
Showing posts from October, 2017

The Benefits of Making Mistakes

Scene from the motion picture The Lovely Bones One of my favorite books is The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold.  A movie was made based on this book, which the scene above is a clip from.  The main heroine (Susie) has a father that likes making ship in the bottles, a hobby that she loved helping him with in the book.  In the movie, Susie seems a more reluctant participant, but this scene in the movie made an impression on me due to the discussion that takes place (which doesn't take place at all in the book). In the movie, the father is talking about why it is important to have hobbies.  Hobbies teach you things.  When Susie asks what they teach you, he says that they teach you--when you make a mistake--to do it over and over again until you get it right. Why did this make an impression on me?  I couldn't really say until just recently, when I messed up on a project I was crocheting.  I realized that hobbies were one of the few things that we co...

Review of My Pal 18" Boy Doll

Captain Rex action figure doesn't come with the doll. PRODUCT DETAILS Which My Pal Doll This Is:   This is a My Pal for Giving Thanks Doll What you get:  Doll does not come in a box.  This 18 Inch Doll comes with a yellow long sleeve shirt with a festive Autumn print, a white t-shirt, orange pants, white socks, and plastic black and white shoes.  Doll also comes with a booklet.  The shirt and t-shirt have VELCRO closure. Nationality:  Hispanic (I guess) Hair color:  Brown.  Hair is rooted. Eyes:  Brown.  These are sleepy eyes that can close. Produced by:  LorettaRose, LLC Doll is made in China, booklet is printed in the USA Composition:  Plastic limbs and head.  Cloth, fiberfill torsos. Website: Cost:  $64.99, and $78.96 after shipping costs.  I don't recall, but I believe this site might only take Paypal (I'm not sure about this, thoug...

Using Prayer Candles To Make A Hurricane Stove

If you don't want to hear my story and just want to learn about the stove, scroll pass the second picture.  Otherwise.... I live in Florida.  I don't know if it is due to global warming, but we are getting more hurricanes.  It is no longer a phenomenon that happens ever twenty or so years.  From June 1 to November 30, we are supposed to be in a state of preparedness.  Indeed, you should be.  Gone are the days when hurricanes were viewed as a blessing--an excuse to get off work, to get off school, and to eat lots of junk food that normally you didn't get to eat.  Sometimes I miss the rather festive mood we used to approach hurricanes with, but I understand why it no longer is the case.  When houses started getting devastated, and it was taking FPL longer to restore power (not their fault--Florida's population is larger than it was when I was a child), hurricanes were no longer fun.  You need to be prepared, because even a week before a s...