The Benefits of Making Mistakes
Scene from the motion picture The Lovely Bones One of my favorite books is The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. A movie was made based on this book, which the scene above is a clip from. The main heroine (Susie) has a father that likes making ship in the bottles, a hobby that she loved helping him with in the book. In the movie, Susie seems a more reluctant participant, but this scene in the movie made an impression on me due to the discussion that takes place (which doesn't take place at all in the book). In the movie, the father is talking about why it is important to have hobbies. Hobbies teach you things. When Susie asks what they teach you, he says that they teach you--when you make a mistake--to do it over and over again until you get it right. Why did this make an impression on me? I couldn't really say until just recently, when I messed up on a project I was crocheting. I realized that hobbies were one of the few things that we co...