I didn't volunteer long at my library's gift shop, but the little time I spent there had a profound life-changing influence. It showed me that I had a gift in sales, which was one career that I had never considered. The second, it piqued my interest in paper mache as we had several large paper mache sculptures decorating the store. The one that got the most attention was the paper mache shark, which was positioned right over the snacks. We had several offers to buy it. I experimented with paper mache, and I was delighted at the beautiful sculptures I was able to make even as a beginner. What I truly love about paper mache is that items that would be otherwise thrown away are recycled into beautiful art. An empty bottle of the dish detergent Dawn became a penguin. Early on, while researching paper mache on the web, I came across Jonni Good's recipe for paper mache clay. Regular paper mache can actually become hard with several laye...