Review of Star Wars The Clone Wars Season Five (SPOILER ALERT)
This is supposedly the final season (the fifth season) of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. There is a rumor that there might be a sixth, but if there is, it won't probably be shown on Cartoon Network --which was where the series first premiered and aired all five seasons. Why was the series terminated when it seemed so popular? The only explanation I heard was that the good people at LucasFilm felt it was time to wind it up. However, it seems the Disney takeover of the Star Wars franchise might have some hand in it. Yes, it's true...though I should ask what rock you've been under if you haven't heard by now. It isn't like I keep my ears to the ground either, but there has been enough bellyaching by Star Wars fans on Twitter that you'd have to go out of your join the have missed that. Apparently, there are a lot of fans out there shuddering in their Darth Vader and Storm Trooper costumes, wondering if the new Star Wars movie th...